About me

Hello, I'm Juan Marulanda, a computer science student at the Carleton University specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I am passionate about using technology to make a positive impact on the world and strive to be a valuable asset to the tech industry. My skillset includes expertise in multiple programming languages such as Python, C++, Java, R, Rust, and JavaScript. I have experience working with popular frameworks like Pandas, TensorFlow, and Keras. I am a dedicated and ambitious individual who is constantly looking to learn and improve my skills.

In addition to my passion for technology, I also have an interest in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry Competitions and have placed highly ranked among these. Competitions have taught me the importance of staying calm under pressure, quick decision making and teamwork.

What i'm doing

  • Development icon

    Back-End development

    I develop back-end with multiple languages.

  • mobile app icon

    Desktop apps

    I develop applications for Desktop using tools like Tkinter, JavaFX, JavaSwing.

  • design icon

    Machine Learning

    I use advanced supervised learning algorithms to solve common problems.

  • camera icon


    I compete in Math Competitions and develop for the CUInspace rocket club at Carleton.



  1. Carleton University

    Sept 2023 — June 2027

    Bachelors in Computer Science Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Stream Honours


  1. Languages

    Python | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | C++ | Java | Rust | R

  2. Frameworks

    Django | NodeJS | React | TensorFlow | Keras | Pandas

  3. Tools

    GIT | Jupiter | IntelliJ | PyCharm | VSCode | Eclipse

  4. Databases and Cloud

    SQL, JSON, Firebase


  1. Back-End Developer

    Sept 2023 — Present

    • Designed and developed the back-end for the website which displays the statistics for the rocket.

Techincal Projects

  1. Self-Driving Car

    Dec 2021

    • Designed an algorithm so a car could go through a maze, using Python and C++

    • Using ultrasound sensors and servos made the car detect walls, and drive itself to continuing the maze

  2. ship

    March 2023 - Present

    • Chrome extension to track your orders from multiple shippers (in development)

  3. Course Projects

    April 2023 - Present

    • Programmed an open world 2D game using Java, JavaFX, and JavaSwing.

    • Used the 4 primary concepts of Object Orientation

    • Implemented my own sprites, wrote and read from a text file to spawn the character in its latest location, and generate the map of the world

    • Trees Everywhere:

    • Tutle Graphics:


  1. Scientific Computing with Python

    Michigan University at FreeCodeCamp
    Oct 2023 — Nov 2023

    • 5 final projects to demonstrate my knowledge of OOP, and a representation of approximately 300 hours of work.

  2. Sir Isaac Newton Exam

    Within top 25% of the world
    Apr 2023

    • Achieved first place in my school, along with a certificate stating that I was above 75% of all contestants from the world